War on Terror Exposés
We were 20 years old when the Towers fell, an age that tends to define. Over the two decades that followed, we have interviewed 200+ people of varying backgrounds, all intimately connected to the “war on terror,” for a series of explosive pieces documenting the harm caused by excessive government secrecy, the need for accountability in the permanent bureaucracy in Washington, DC, the rise of authoritarian tendencies among the American people and more.
From Skyhorse Publishing, John’s and Ray’s first non-fiction book is the culmination of nearly 2 decades of investigation, tracking the story of three people recruited into the CIA in the late 1980s and what their stories reveal about America’s terribly-broken secret agencies.
Press for Truth
(2006) Directed by Ray Nowosielski, Press for Truth is a feature length documentary that chronicles the “Jersey Widows,” four inspiring stay-at-home wives and mothers in New Jersey whose husbands left for work at the World Trade Center one morning and never came home, starting them on their quest to understand the Why of 9/11 and prevent future tragedies.
HopeX: Unmasking a CIA Criminal
(2014) Invited to speak for an hour at HOPE, the famed hackers and whistleblowers conference with Ed Snowden among its teleconference guests, Ray details his experience with “outing” Alfreda Bikowsky and dealing with threats from CIA.
Richard Clarke: Interview #07
The New Yorker Presents: The Agent
(2016) Ray Nowosielski served as consulting producer to Oscar winner Alex Gibney and Pulitzer winner Lawrence Wright (creators of The Looming Tower) in telling the story of how the CIA allegedly hid two lead 9/11 hijackers from the FBI for more than a year after they had entered the United States.
Left Forum: Entertainment Superpower - Media Technology & American Empire
(2015) Ray on panel with Chris Hedges, Alexa O'Brien, Tim Shorrock
CIA Declassified: The Real Zero Dark Thirty
Read our Journalism
John or Ray wrote or contributed to the following investigations:
Truthdig. “Cronyism and Corruption Gave Us Today’s CIA,” 2019.
Newsweek. “CIA and Saudi Arabia Conspired to Keep 9/11 Details Secret, New Book Says,” 2018.
Salon. “Outing the CIA's Alfreda Bikowsky: An excerpt from "The Watchdogs Didn't Bark," 2018.
The Daily Beast. “September 11th Anniversary: Richard Clarke's Explosive CIA Cover-up Charge,” 2017.
The Intercept. “Meet Alfreda Bikowsky, The Senior Officer at the Center of the CIA’s Torture Scandals,” 2014.
Truthout. “Ex-Army Officer Accuses CIA of Obstructing Pre-9/11 Intelligence Gathering,” 2013.
Salon. “Insiders voice doubt about CIA’s 9/11 story,” 2011.
Gawker. “Chief of CIA's 'Global Jihad Unit' Revealed Online,” 2011.